
Overcoming challenges with strategic thinking - Laura Grondin, Virginia Industries

Written by Bingham & Taylor | Sep 3, 2024 4:20:16 PM



Each week, Ari Santiago interviews a thriving manufacturing leader to share the positive messages around the industry with two goals:

1) To share best practices amongst manufacturing business leaders to help each other to grow and succeed

2) To spread the word that manufacturing is a growing part of our economy and offers exciting opportunities for incredible, well-paying careers.

In this interview, Laura Grondin, CEO of Virginia Industries, discusses overcoming challenges in manufacturing through strategic thinking and teamwork.


  • Virginia Industries produces everyday products, often unnoticed.
  • The company has multiple businesses that focus on essential manufacturing.
  • Team collaboration is crucial for navigating challenges.
  • Investment in technology and processes is key to modernization.
  • Infrastructure challenges present opportunities for business growth.
  • Reshoring is driven by specific market needs and regulations.
  • Personal growth comes from embracing unexpected opportunities.

Key Insights

  • Importance of Teamwork: Grondin emphasizes that having a knowledgeable team is essential for solving problems and making informed decisions in a complex manufacturing landscape.
  • Adaptation is Crucial: The need for constant adaptation in manufacturing is highlighted, with Grondin sharing experiences of modernizing operations to remain competitive.
  • Environmental Considerations: Transitioning to environmentally friendly practices, such as electric melting, showcases a proactive approach to sustainability in manufacturing.
  • Reshoring Trends: Reshoring is not just about cost; it requires a strategic reason, often tied to government regulations and market demands.
  • Emotional Impact of Change: Grondin reflects on the emotional challenges of workforce changes during plant closures, emphasizing the importance of transparency and support for affected employees.
  • Continuous Learning: Grondin advocates for active engagement and learning from various sources to enhance leadership effectiveness and decision-making.
  • Future Opportunities: With significant federal funding for infrastructure projects, there are vast opportunities for manufacturing businesses to grow and innovate in the coming years.